Pastor Adeboye reveals why many Born Again Christians are living like children of the Devil (Video)

Pastor Adeboye reveals why many Born Again Christians are living like children of the Devil (Video)
August 05 14:08 2021 Print This Article

During the ongoing convention at the Redeemed Christian Church of God, the General Overseer of the Church, pastor EA Adeboye during his sermon revealed the reason why so many Born Again Christians still behave like Children of the Devil even after they have been saved.

He made it known that growing up, he was taught three works of faith, he said we have the Salvation, Baptism of the Holy Ghost and Sanctification. He said most Christians only concentrate on Salvation and Holy Ghost baptism while they neglect Sanctification.

According to him, Sanctification is setting someone’s apart for God’s work, so if you’re not sanctified after you’ve been born again then you’re not yet born again.

He said he was once a sinner and he used to have many ladies when he was still in the world, but after he gave his life to Jesus and began ministry, one of his mistresses came to him one day with her paralyzed son and when she saw that he was the Pastor she’s coming to see, she felt somehow but he didn’t think about the past and he prayed for the child and he began to work.

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