As the World’s Women prepare to convene in New York in March for CSW, to celebrate BEIJING +30, 30 years after the WCW 95 in Beijing; the initiative of AFWID to assemble African women to discuss the issues and concerns of Women on our continent is a call to action.
The meeting is bringing voices across the African Region, and across age groups including women who participated at the WCW 1995( Beijing Veterans) to review progress made since 1995.
AFWID 2025 is truly significant as it would will review the Critical areas of concern identified in 1995,(BPFA) highlighting progress made , gains and achievements. The challenges and constraints on the advancement of African Women, the prospects for increased future advancements and positive changes will be discussed.
Mama Zanele Mbeki conceptualized AFWID. She observed that marginalized and oppressed women had nowhere to lend their voices and she was of the opinion that every woman irrespective of background had something to offer too, thus the birth of AFWID.
The 2025 Dialogue would be held in Johannesburg from the 27th January to 31st January 2025.The week long all expenses paid dialogue creates a platform for over 1000 women drawn from the 55 Countries in Africa to come together in one space and share ideas to address the continuous challenges African women face. AFWID 2025 is convened by the Women’s Development Business Trust(WDB Trust) founded in 1991 to empower women and rural communities.
Nigeria would fully be represented by 16 participants drawn from different backgrounds and led by Dr.Chinyere Julie Chukwudebelu. Member Steering Committee AFWID 2025, Coordinator for Nigeria and Regional Leader Anglophone/ Lusophone West Africa.
The confirmed attendees form Nigeria are excited to have been selected for this auspicious and monumental meeting where they will interact with sisters across the African Region, their voices heard, contributions made, discussed, noted and documented. Participants within the age brackets of 18 to 40 are all the more excited that they would be in the same space with women who attended the Beijing conference and have opportunity for intergenerational dialogue.
The attendees are looking forward to meaningful discussions, recommendations especially around the 12 Beijing critical areas of concern for advancement of women.
It would also be a time to network and forge lasting partnership.