ASUP vows to continue strike unless demands are met

ASUP vows to continue strike unless demands are met
January 12 09:27 2019 Print This Article

By Martin Odiete

The Academic Staff Union of Polytechnics (ASUP) has vowed to continue its ongoing strike until the demand of the union is met.

The union who expressed regret at the way and manner government is handling the issues of technical education in Nigeria, warned that this may hamper progress and development in the country.

President of ASUP, Comrade Usman Dutse also told reporters that the meeting in the instance of the minister of education, Adamu Adamu yesterday over the ongoing strike could not hold because both the minister and the Permanent Secretary was undisposed.

He said though the union demands are the review of the Polytechnic Act, needs assessment, the issue of CONTISS 15, issue of academic allowance, unpaid salaries in some states and our victimised officials, but the critical ones are the needs assessment and polytechnic Act.

“The meeting could not hold today because the key stakeholders were said to be I disposed and so they were absent and the meeting could not hold because we believe the meeting should not hold in their absence because this strike is critical to the sector and the issues are Germane and is very central yo the development of the sector.
We believe it’s high time that government takes step to resolve these issues.

“Remember we met on the 17th of December where we agreed to meet on the 10th of January so that we will brief and be Informed of the progress made towards addressing the lingering issues so the meeting could not hold today and that shows that nothing could be achieved and sincerely as major stakeholders with the sector and active members of the sector we are not happy with the development”.

Comrade Dutse speaking further lamented that little or no attention is giving to the Polytechnics sub sector, adding that more effort is needed to address challenges faced by the lecturers.

“We are not happy that our sector is down while the attention needed is not given to the sector. Even if there are efforts made but they are not properly and officially passed so that we can be able to know and address and resolve the issues once and for all”.

The ASUP President also called on well meaning Nigerians to preveil on Government to address the challenges of the technical education in Nigeria.

He said it is sad that Government is turning a deaf ear, while students have been home as a result of the strike.

“I believe the entire Nigeria is waiting to hear the outcome if this meeting because our children are at home, our schools are closed down parents and stakeholders are waiting to hear the outcome of this meeting. I want to use this opportunity to call the world those who have interest in the sector to talk to those that are involved in these issues particularly on the side of government to do the needful to address those issues without further delay”

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