I Am In Archery Because I Love Challenges -Abdullahi

by The Ajasa News | May 5, 2019 6:48 am

…Says Over 500 Archers Now Nationwide

By Benedict Nwachukwu, Abuja

President of Nigerian Archery Federation (NAFED), Mallam Mohammed Abdullahi has disclosed that his acceptance to serve in the little known but ancient Olympics sport, Archery while other sports administrators are jostling for the juicy and popular sports was borne out of his quest for challenges.

Abdullahi, while fielding questions from www.theajasanews.com[1] during the closing ceremony of the second edition of the week-long National Archery Game for Beginners and Train the Trainers Workshop held at the multipurpose hall of the Package B of the Abuja National Stadium noted that his journey in sports administration and development has taken him through the Para Soccer, Traditional Sports and now Archery but added that these sports were either unknown or little was known about them before he waded in.

“I am a man who loves challenges. When I started Para Soccer with some other people, many were wondering what we were out to achieve with it seeing that it had no place in sports anywhere in the country but I want to say I made it a house hold name that it is now a continental sports before I left. I also began Traditional Sports, took it from nowhere to where it got recognition even beyond the shores of this country and I left after serving out my term.”

The NAFED President noted further that his choice of the sports federation to belong to has never been based on what benefits that would accrue from them rather the challenge to lift them from obscurity to wide acceptance.

He maintained that the challenges he confronted in administering these chosen sports have been a source of fulfilment in that he has been able to establish them and make them household names in the country and beyond.

“I am happy to tell you that it has not been easy but with focus and resilience, I have been able to lift each sport I have administered from where I met to an enviable position.”

Abdullahi noted further that his present federation though an ancient sport with little or no recognition in Nigeria has already become a success story so far.

He disclosed that when he took the mantle of leadership of the federation, one can hardly mention it as a sport in Nigeria but presently, the federation can boast of over 500 archers still counting.

The President who was highly elated over the fast growing popularity and acceptance of the sport in Nigeria argued that the sport will with the way it is growing and being accepted become a major sport in Nigeria.

Commending the zeal shown by Nigerians, the NAFED President noted that the growth of the sport will take Nigerians by surprise but added that the federation is battling with paucity of funds which is hindering its programmes and called well meaning Nigerians and corporate world to partner with the federation as they have a lot to benefit.

“We need equipment to put our athletes on same pedestal with the rest of the world. Our archers are hitting the target five times from 20 arrows then imagine the success they will record when given 100 arrows in a major championship,” he said. 

  1. www.theajasanews.com: http://www.theajasanews.com/

Source URL: https://theajasanews.com/i-am-in-archery-because-i-love-challenges-abdullahi/