Let us protect our older people, Buhari charges ECOWAS Parliamentarians

by The Ajasa News | November 26, 2019 1:16 am

By Martin Odiete

Nigeria President, Muhammadu Buhari has urged the second Ordinary session of the ECOWAS Parliament holding in Abuja to come up with policies that will tend to support the older persons in the society.

The Nigerian President speech was presented by Senator George Akume at the conference on the right of Older People hosted by the ECOWAS Parliament meeting in Abuja.

While noting that it is an entrenched Africa culture to always respect the rights of the older persons in the society, he lamented that the culture is gradually declining because of the undue influence of the Western cultures.

He said, “As you all know aging is a lifelong process that initiated and terminated by nature. Globally, the general trends in ageing process are identical but the approaches adopted by different government determine the extent of human rights compliances. In every African society, older persons are usually respected and give a place of honour,.

“With western civilization, some of these traditional processes that bestow honour and respect on the older persons are on the decline. It is the duty of African to bring back such glory and honor to their older ones. We cannot fold our arms and expect others to do these for us.

“This conference has come up to afford us the opportunity to take up some of these responsibilities. Therefore, I urge all African countries here represented to take back to their home countries that we need to wake up to the challenges of older persons in the region. We also need to collaborate and join efforts with other nations of the World including international communities to fight for the rights of older persons globally;”

The Nigerian President elucidated more or the efforts of his government to make life better for the older persons, “In our efforts towards addressing the rights of older persons, the Nigerian government has put up some measures including the Senior Citizens Act of 2018. The Act mandates all tiers of government to establish national citizens centers to provide care, training for the older ones,”

President Buhari noted further that his said the government of Nigeria also harmonized its pension scheme to eliminate all hitches in pension administration, while hinting that the public servants are engaged in mandatory pre-retirement training to ensure that they utilize their pensions.

He maintained that his government is also working assiduously towards attaining other benefits for the older person such as trying to subsidizing their medical expenses in public hospitals and social welfare services.

“The Nigerian government through the N-Power programme has been able to identify some older persons who enjoy the periodic cash disbursement as sustenance stipends.
He said that the scheme had identified over two million poor households and over one million currently benefitting.

“It is important to remind ourselves as Africans that care for older persons is culturally and traditionally rooted and highly respected in African societies. Nigeria is not an exception to this. However, modalities and approaches to these are frequently reviewed to address the current peculiar realities of civilization. FG is studying the Protocol on the African Charter to Human and Peoples Rights on the right of older persons in Africa and this would be ratified in due course,” He concluded

Source URL: https://theajasanews.com/let-us-protect-our-older-people-buhari-charges-ecowas-parliamentarians/