Senate wades into Plateau House of Assembly crisis

by The Ajasa News | November 9, 2021 5:12 pm

…condemns ‘unconstitutional attempted’ impeachment of Speaker

The Senate on Tuesday waded into the crisis rocking the Plateau State House of Assembly.

This was even as the chamber condemned the ‘unconstitutional attempted’ impeachment of the Speaker, Rt. Hon. Abok Ayuba.

The Senate in its resolutions urged the Plateau State House of Assembly to be guided by the rule of law and the constitution in all of its legislative business.

Coming under Order 42 and 52 of the Senate Standing Rules, Senator Istifanus Gyang, moved a motion of urgent public importance entitled, “Disruption of Legislative Business in PLHA: Need for Early Intervention of the Senate to Avoid Deterioration.”

Gyang in his motion, noted with concern, the barricading of the Plateau State House of Assembly, which has halted legislative business as a result of lack of access to the premises.

According to the lawmaker, the alleged impeachment of the speaker, Ayuba Abok, by eight (8) members of the House, fell short of the two-third constitutionally required number, as provided for in Section 92 of the 1999 Constitution (as amended).

Gyang stated that majority of the Members of House are opposed to the alleged impeachment of the Speaker.

He noted that the Conference of Speakers of the 36 States have denounced the alleged impeachment and withheld recognition for the Yakubu Sanda leadership.

The lawmaker warned that the impasse and stalemate, if left unattended to, may further degenerate.

He added that, “the development has the capacity to negatively affect the Democratic image and standing of Nigeria at the global stage.”

Citing Section 11(4) of the 1999 Constitution (as amended), Gyang explained that its provision empowers the National Assembly to intervene in the affairs of the State Assembly, where the House is unable to transact normal legislative business.

Accordingly, the Senate in its resolution, urged the Plateau House of Assembly to be guided by the rule of law and the constitution in all legislative business, particularly where and when it affects appointment and impeachment of a presiding officer in order to deepen democracy and uphold the independence of the legislature as an arm of government.

The chamber also condemned the unconstitutional attempted impeachment of the Speaker, Rt. Hon. Abok Ayuba by eight (8) Members of the Plateau State House of Assembly.

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